White Paper.

Strategies to take advantage of transformational DOOH

The global out of home market has reached a pivotal moment. While classic OOH remains prevalent, the conversion to digital billboards continues at pace, leaving many media owners wondering how best to choose the ad tech stack to meet their operational needs.

Market fragmentation doesn’t help with a myriad different providers obscuring the OOH value chain. And this is causing market confusion as tech suppliers jockey for business.

For those media owners and operators working in multiple markets the problem is compounded as they wrestle with different audience measurement systems, different SSPs and legacy systems that hamper staff and revenue performance. The same also applies to smaller operators who all too often get left off the media plan.

Our first white paper discusses how OOH and DOOH owners can monetize and democratize their assets. Using our knowledge and expert insights gained over a 10 year period on the DOOH front line, we look at the challenges and opportunities in a complex marketplace.

Because a problem shared is a problem solved.

Find out about

  • The pitfalls of legacy operational systems
  • The cost of inefficient infrastructures on the bottom line
  • Why the OOH / DOOH ecosystem has to evolve
  • The importance of investing in the right kit and tech stack
  • Advice about preparing for programmatic DOOH
  • The value of real time trading capability
  • How to start making your OOH / DOOH business match fit

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